A Unique Artist Lab

Artistic Lab: Exploring Creative Possibilities

Critical Dance Pedagogy Artist Lab
12th and 13th January 2024
Northern School of Contemporary Dance (NSCD) Leeds

Welcome to our first artistic lab, a space to ignite curiosity, experiment with ideas, and foster collaborative artistic exploration. As we embark on this journey, we will embrace the spirit of innovation and open-mindedness, with an eagerness to challenge conventions and delve into uncharted territories.

Throughout this lab, we will encourage 20 teaching artists from across the UK, alongside a creative team to explore Critical Dance Pedagogy through action learning and dance practice, valuing each individual's unique contributions and insights. Collaboration will be at the heart of our endeavors, as we engage in collective dialogues, exchange feedback, and harness the collective energy towards co-creating something truly remarkable.

Our objectives are:

  • To bring together teaching artists from across the UK with a creative team, to network, share practice, knowledge exchange, and engage in action learning.

  • Raise awareness of Critical Dance Pedagogy, of socially embedded assumptions and dominant structural power relations that produce unjust educational and socio-cultural outcomes in dance.

  • Immerse in practical and creative learning and reflection, around equity, diversity, inclusion, student-centred pedagogy, and enabling dance environments.

  • To action the development of more enabling environments for students and dancers to thrive, and to evolve inclusive teaching and artistic practices in dance.

The dance lab is a purposeful, experimental, supportive and ‘slow’ learning environment where teaching artists can explore and action an evolution of pedagogy and dance practice.

The creative team:
Angela Pickard
Stuart Waters
Bakani Pickup
Darren Carr
Sophie Adler
Sophie Rebecca
Martin Collins (film-maker)


Implementing and Reflecting on Action-Based Research